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Volunteer to Have a Happier New Year!

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Volunteer to Have a Happier New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! In my own life and with my clients, I have found that the new year can bring about a mixed bag of emotions.

I am not one for New Year’s resolutions because I find it is difficult to uphold them and can often lead to disappointment in yourself, which is particularly damaging to those who are already predisposed to depression this time of year. However, I have a friend who adopts “goals for the year”, and I find that phrasing grants us more compassion and grace, while also staying more manageable and concrete. They don’t have to be extravagant goals (one of hers last year was to make the perfect hard-boiled egg), just simple things that you would like to look into, try out or start.

Regardless of what you call it, one goal I would encourage everyone to adopt this year is to spend more of your time helping others. There is a huge amount of research that shows how altruism, or giving of yourself to others, can be one of the strongest antidotes to depression. I have seen it in my own life and in the lives of many of my clients. As a result, I would like to make one of my own goals for the year to spotlight one non-profit or charity a month that may not be well-known, but is easy to be a part of. I know financial contributions are always welcome and appreciated in any non-profit organization, however, it is the hands-on involvement that will make the greatest difference to your life and in the lives of those you will inevitably touch.

That being said, I would like to start 2018 off by telling you about an organization that I recently learned about and have already made a personal commitment to be a part of – Project Linus. If you have never heard of it, Project Linus provides hand-made security blankets to children who come from violent homes, are struggling with serious or terminal illness, or are otherwise traumatized.

So, all of you crafty people out there, whether you crochet, sew, knit or quilt, why not put your talents to good use and help a child feel a little love directly from your hands to theirs. Why not have a get together with your friends for a couple of hours where you eat good food, catch up on everyone’s lives and create blankets for children? If crafts are not your thing, Project Linus is consistently needing people to sort blankets, label, package and deliver them! Or, you can also pick up some fleece or yarn and donate it to your local chapter so they can create a beautiful blanket from your gift.  CLICK HERE to learn about your local chapter and drop-off locations for all your loving creations! Happy New Year everyone one, and maybe consider making one of your New Year’s goals to volunteer to have a happier year.

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