Where the Healing Begins

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Pros and Cons to Using Insurance

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Pros and Cons to Using Insurance

     I hope you are enjoying the longer days! As we are ending the first month of summer, I’m happy to announce that I have recently joined the panel for Blue Cross/ Blue Shield and Medicare Advantage. With this new development, I have had inquiries about the benefits and downfalls of utilizing insurance for psychotherapy.
This week I thought it might be helpful to provide a simple pros and cons list of using insurance for mental health services.
1. You only have to pay your co-pay at the time services are rendered
2. Your insurance company pre-screens the providers according to their standards
1. Your confidentiality is compromised as the provider needs to share certain information with your insurance company
2. Some insurance only covers a limited number of sessions per year

3. Insurance companies require that the provider give you a diagnosis as a pre-requisite for coverage. This diagnosis will be on your record and could be considered a pre-existing condition in the future.

    Hopefully this helps to clarify your needs and expectations when deciding to utilize your insurance benefits. If you feel as if you or someone you know could benefit from counseling please feel free to contact me, I currently have session times available for both private pay and insurance pay clients.

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